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Greaves, “Squire”


     “Squire” greaves are hardened spring-steel floating greaves made to keep you insanely mobile during the intense, unpredictable action of historic medieval battles and buhurt sport.

Possessing no articulated lames and foregoing full-enclosure in favor of the ultimate maneuverability boost, BT’s “Squire” greaves are one of the most cost-effective, yet, quality-made options available for armored combat. Their simple, yet effective design makes them extremely light; giving you all your stamina for attacking, dodging and defending while waiting for your chance to strike - outlasting your more heavily encumbered opponents.

     “Squire” greaves are covered by Buhurt Tech’s professional guarantee and are an easy choice for full contact buhurt fighters; duelists, pro-fighters, or anyone that desires to use their speed and skill against slower, more cumbersome opponents.

    3\4 construction gives reduced weight compared to the closed greaves and has less weight, which is lovely for runner or puncher role. 

   These greaves are the perfect choice for those who wanna get good starter greave armor fast and go fight, while saving on full anatomical closed greaves in titanium ;)

Greaves "Squire"

    • weight-2.260 kg / 4.98 lbs
    • 1-year guarantee



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