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Spear, “Retaliation”


     A well known proverb states:


     “Give a man a stick and he shalt wallop for a day, but give a man a stick and teacheth him to put a big piece of metal on the end, and he will do buhurt for a lifetime”


     With the wisdom of the ancients now at the forefront of our minds, let us discuss polearms. Specifically, spear “Retaliation”. 


     At Buhurt Technologies, we are fans of combining sticks and useful bits of metal to produce high-quality, historically-accurate, sport reproductions of weapons of yore. Spear “Retaliation” is one of the latest buhurt toys to join our line-up of kick-ass tools for use in the sport of medieval steel-fighting.  


     With two different versions available, the “Retaliation” spear proves to be a surprisingly hard-hitting buhurt tool that needs a bit of finesse to master. 


  • Since stabbing is forbidden in most forms of full-contact steel-fighting, “Retaliation” has increased chopping abilities and a reduced point/tip, and needs to be wielded more like a poleaxe, but does the job very effectively - especially on repeated, powerful, horizontal strikes to your opponent’s mid-section or arms.

  •  Defensively, “Retaliation” proves to be very adept, having multiple design features that make warding off your opponents’ strikes a much easier task. Make sure to pay close attention to the different dimensions of the two styles of spear.

  • Both of the long, double-edged spears have a very high hit rate: being in line with the shaft, the blades almost never twist during contact and can be used to hit with both sides.

  • Has a circular guard by default. 

  • It's also fun to use both versions on shorter shafts. It will rarely (if ever) be stuck in your opponent's armor after a successful hit.

  • Forged using high-quality spring-steel, Both versions of “Retaliation” can be hafted on your choice of: Beech / Ash / or Composite with Bamboo, which is then reinforced using thick, cotton-glued wire and linen tape to protect and extend the longevity of the weapon.


      Designed for use in all full-contact medieval fight-clubs and buhurt sport leagues, the “Retaliation” spear is covered by Buhurt Tech’s professional guarantee.

Spear "Retaliation"

SKU: 3014
    • Short blade
    • Total Weight 2.7 kg / 5.95 lbs
    • Total Length 180 cm / 70.86 inch
    • Blade Length 34 cm / 13.39 inch
    • Blade thickness 0.5 cm / 0.20 inch
    • Blade Edge Pofile 0.4 cm / 0.16 inch
    • Blade guaranteed for 5 years
    • Long blade
    • Total Weight 2.8 kg / 6.17 lbs
    • Total Length 188cm / 74.02 inch
    • Blade Length 43 cm / 16.93 inch
    • Blade thickness 0.5 cm / 0.20 inch
    • Blade Edge Pofile 0.4 cm / 0.16 inch
    • Blade guaranteed for 5 years



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