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Polearm, “Partisan”


     A historically sourced halberd with a long and agile blade that encourages lightning-fast attacks and a more accurate defense. Although lighter than many polearms, this toy has a high critical-strike rating due to its shape - allowing a skilled user to generate a flurry of powerful blows against a lesser-skilled opponent that uses a heavier polearm. 

“Partisan” is an absolute screamer for duels, and an amazing tool for mass battles thanks to its low gas tax - those with good cardio can swing this toy for hours!

Designed and constructed for medieval combat and buhurt sport, this polearm’s low weight allows it to be used on very long shafts, or together with a counter-balance pommel to aid in recovery time and overall weapon balance.

Shafts can be made in different types of wood: beech / ash / or, composite with bamboo.

As with all Buhurt Tech weapons, polearm “Partisan” is made using high-quality spring-steel, and is covered by our professional guarantee.

Polearm "Partisan"

SKU: 3004
      • Short blade
      • Total Weight 2.3 kg / 5.07 lbs
      • Total Length 167 cm / 65.75 inch
      • Blade Length 30 cm / 11.81 inch
      • Blade thickness 0.5 cm / 0.20 inch
      • Blade Edge Pofile 0.4 cm / 0.16 inch
      • Blade guaranteed for 5 years
      • Long blade
      • Total Weight 2.6 kg / 6.17 lbs
      • Total Length 180 cm / 70.87 inch
      • Blade Length 41 cm / 16.14 inch
      • Blade thickness 0.5 cm / 0.20 inch
      • Blade Edge Pofile 0.4 cm / 0.16 inch
      • Blade guaranteed for 5 years
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