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man with medieval combat axe

How to start medieval armored combat.
What is Buhurt?

It's a long read mate,
grab a tea :)
I have many things
to tell you!


So, what is BUHURT?
Buhurt is the most awesome team sport ever. It is the WAY.
It’s both love and brutality - the only sport that has you fighting in real armor, using blunted steel
weapons (such as swords, axes, halberds, maces, and poleaxes) - and thanks to the armor, it’s safer than any other full-contact team sport. And it looks awesome!
The most popular event types are 5 vs 5, 12 vs 12, 30 vs 30, and the spectacular 150 vs 150!
Yes, truly, it’s one-hundred and fifty versus one-hundred and fifty.
Just look at this!

Medieval armored combat involves traveling to incredible places like castles, where you can fight with friends and
then rest with your buhurt family in an authentic, medieval-style camp. Girls and kids love buhurt
very much, too and there are wonderful teams for both of them! Soft equipment is widely
available and is used in training and junior competitions. You can join full-contact steel tournaments only if you are 18 years of age or older.

The rules are mostly simple. The most important rule is that you need to stay on your feet. As
soon as you have a third point of contact with the ground - whether with a hand, arm, knee,
head, or even your butt - you are out and must stay on the ground where you fell until the end of
the round. When the fight is over, you rise like an immortal and fight again. :)

Cool, yeah? :D

In medieval armored battle it is not allowed to hit the groin, neck, feet, or back of the knees with a weapon, feet, or fists, and there is no stabbing - only chopping - but you can hit anywhere else. You can strike with your fists, elbows, knees, feet, head and any part of your body you can hit with. You can wrestle standing up, run and push, trip, jump-kick, and do just about anything to put your opponents on the ground - and it’s crazy fun!

Also, it's not allowed to kick or push your opponents’ knees from any side. You can’t grab a sword blade (it’s 
stupid, I know), and you can’t use your weapon to grab under the helmet edge. You can, however, grab the wooden shafts with your second hand and use it in close combat and grappling.

You need to learn all the rules, of course, and know them well. Ignoring the rules is dangerous.
They were written to reduce injury after a large amount of data was analyzed, and they are

mostly wise and balanced.

Importantly, equipment that doesn’t follow the safety-standards/rules is not allowed - you’re
lucky because we’ve taken care of that for you. Everything you find in our shop is focused
purely on buhurt sport. Our gear is designed and made according to the official rules and

regulations, and we closely follow all updates to remain current.

medieval armored combat buhurt rules

When the armor and weapons follow the regulations and are made well, you can battle against
your friends for entire days while using steel axes and swords - and remain uninjured.
You can use all martial arts techniques (except those that break bones) and your full power.
You can use teamwork, different weapons, and tactics. Buhurt is more than just a sport, it’s a
way of living. The way of your role in battle. The way of your personal martial art. It’s a lifestyle
of fight style. Buhurt is a good place to meet people and make friends - your buhurt team becomes your family and your best friends.

   Buhurt sport was born in late medieval times when armor-making reached a technological
zenith of efficiency, beauty, and functionality - providing an incredible level of safety to the
wearer. Like immortals, heavily armored knights were military elites in medieval times. Buhurt
sport allowed them to have a regular practice to develop their battle skills. Also, it was always an entertaining show and everyone loved to watch it.

Now, buhurt is even crazier! The steel is better and the weapons are heavier and stronger.
These days, it’s much easier to find someone to teach you a martial art, like; boxing, judo,
Muay-Thai, wrestling, MMA - all are great backgrounds to help develop advanced skills and conditioning that you can use in buhurt.

Buhurt is a worldwide community - a large family of fighters and supporters who are very

passionate and helpful, always willing to give advice or lend a hand.

Buhurt is about traveling to medieval tournaments, visiting interesting places with your family
and friends to find glory in the lists, or just fighting for fun and enjoying moments of Valhalla.

Wearing quality armor is like having a premium account with all of the bonuses - when you have
it, you have so much fun fighting hard the whole day without fear of injury. It’s easy to be brave
when you have good armor. You also can’t deny that armor looks cool, and it’s always a great

way to start a conversation - people will ask about it, for sure. :)

Armor can be made from steel or titanium. Steel must be the correct type and thickness, as well
as be hardened for safety and durability. Hardening/tempering steel just makes it stronger. The
wrong type of tempering can cause cracks, which is very dangerous. A crack on the helmet can
cause a fatal accident. Choosing not to harden the armor allows for it to be quickly and more
easily dented, which can cause serious injury. Choosing the right equipment is one of the most
important steps. So, choose your supplier accurately and don’t rush with the choice.

Buhurt armor can also be made with titanium, and it’s magic! Do you know the proverb “Magic is
invisible technology”? Well titanium is magic - it’s 40% lighter than steel and it won’t rust, but it’s
difficult to work with and it’s more expensive than steel. The armor needs permanent care, both
before and after the battle. When you wear titanium, however, you spend only a minimal amount of
time just washing it with water after the fight. For steel armor, you need to spend time cleaning,
drying, and oiling it. Either way, permanent care of your armor is necessary because it’s your
personal safety and ability to survive under heavy steel axe blows with a smile on your face. :)
Your steel or titanium armor requires a liner, like a padded jacket, and padded pants, as well as
helmet and mitten liners. The padded under-armor helps to absorb the vibration that passes

from the weapons into the armor, which is a big part of what causes damage - it also protects
against cuts that can be caused by armor elements. Liners need to be changed every two
years, and we recommend changing helmet liners every year, as your head is the most

important part requiring protection.

We have designed the most effective armor combinations for buhurt sport, and we are always
improving them, so make sure to check back often to see the newest updates!

To enter the battle, You must have 3 essential things:

1. Equipment

Buhurt is a full-contact steel-fighting sport that requires a full set of sport-optimized armor that
covers the whole body. It must be made according to your anatomy and body measurements

using good quality metal.

When you order from Buhurt Tech, we send you video tips on how to take the appropriate
measurements. The measurements should be made while wearing a gambeson and padded
pants, as well as any other hidden protection you desire. We strongly recommend getting good
back protection similar to that used by motorcyclists and snowboarders. Good spine to tailbone
protection will suffice, nothing else is necessary as it just adds size and weight - you will wear
this spine protection over your gambeson, and under your steel armor at all times.
Remember, buhurt is a full-contact sport, and even in good armor you still need to watch your back.

Good armor must not have gaps and should have a free range of motion through the use of
articulated protection of the knee and elbow joints. The helmet should allow for a good balance

between being able to see and breathe, while still remaining bombproof.

   Helmets must have a thick, parachute-style liner to absorb, disperse, and minimize the
shockwave damage caused by direct blows from heavy steel weapons. The liner is the most
important part of the helmet - doing all the work of damage absorption that would otherwise be
transferred into your skull. The liner should be replaced every 10 events, optimally. Buhurt
Tech’s liners will work far longer, but still should be replaced every year to ensure your safety

and longevity in buhurt sport.

There are many options for armor and weapons. You can be sure that choosing equipment is
one of the most crucial, and important steps. Your safety and awesomeness of experience
depend upon the quality of your equipment, so we recommend getting the best possible

equipment you can find on the market.

Good armor requires time to make, so you will have time for the rewarding work of training,

conditioning, and self-improvement while you wait.

Warning! Don’t buy cheap armor - It’s a trap! :) Good quality can’t be cheap! Bad quality is a

big mistake and it’s going to hurt or worse, get you injured. 

Always do your research and check the reputation of the supplier before you make any
purchases. Don’t be shy to ask for advice from more experienced fighters - many of them love

to talk about buhurt and give advice.

Always check to make sure the supplier makes equipment specifically for buhurt sport.
Buhurt Tech is focused purely on buhurt sport, and you won’t find anything here not related to


Why we are good at what we do:

Buhurt Tech is a project by fighters for fighters - for fighting. Our mission is to take care of every
fighter possible - even if they don’t buy anything. To increase safety and minimize trauma risk.
To make the fighter's life nice and easy, and to increase the speed and enjoyment of their buhurt
way. We design toys that have additional stats. We enchant them with technologies and hacks
that make them safer, lighter, stronger, easy to use and more effective. Some of our best-sellers
have become classics of buhurt protection, and have been copied in almost every workshop

around the world.

Our best sellers sets

    2. Training

       Buhurt is not just a sport. It’s a lifestyle. Fighting in full armor requires good physical condition
    and endurance. You need to train all the time. The more you train, the more fun you will have
    fighting on the list. Everything works: lifting weights, cross-fit, MMA, boxing, or any kind of full-
    contact martial art. Medieval fighting requires the use of weapons to fight. Each weapon is a
    new universe to explore: swords, axes, maces, spears, polearms, poleaxes, halberds, falchions,
    fencing swords, long swords, bucklers, punch-shields… and each of them has many variations,
    even having different weights and lengths. You also need to have good grappling skills. Field
    grappling, grappling on the fence, grappling 2 vs 1, and surviving against many enemies at
    once. You need to learn teamwork, tactics, and strategy.

    Try to find a buhurt team near you and make friends. Go and train together. If there is no team around you, go to a martial arts gym and make friends there. Show them buhurt and create your own team. Train hard and then train some more. You’re gonna love it!

    Training Equipment

    One of the most effective ways to train for buhurt is to train using soft equipment. You can exercise battle skills without wearing steel armor. Soft equipment is very safe and extremely effective for armored combat training. Soft equipment is also currently in use for soft combat.

    3. Find a team and DO BUHURT

    Go to events and enter the battle! If you don’t have a team yet, you can find one at the
    event - just join as a mercenary. You can fight in all duels nominations. It’s the best
    training and ridiculously safe! :D At events, you can always find someone to join for mass
    fights. There are many events all around the world during the year. Go there, fight and
    make friends. Come back safe, with glory, and your pants filled with fun. Experience
    unbelievable moments of living in Valhalla. Have Fun!


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